After Matt had finished his "duo fun" shoot with Jason he asked if he could come back and do something a little bit more "hands on" - and I knew exactly what he meant! Yep, he really wanted to do a hardcore shoot and I sure as hell wasn't going to say no, especially after so many of you emailed asking to see him in action too ;-) So as usual, I played cupid and set up this shoot between the guys - they were both as keen as mustard to get it on together (where does that odd phrase come from I wonder'!'). Anyway Luke H arrived very late in the afternoon having been stuck in traffic for most of the day and so he and Matt ended up staying over and making this film the following day. Now, these two guys are just great fun to be around and we had a great night together, although I do remember we had quite a lot to drink! But when the cameras began rolling and the action started it was pretty passionate stuff - there was lots of rolling around and making hay, as it were... and I know you don't need any more explanation than that :-)